
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Homemade Butterfingers

When I saw this recipe on Jan's home page and the Taste of Home forums, I knew I had to give it a try.   I couldn't believe they use melted candy corn. My husband loves the stuff. We go thru bags and bags of the stuff over the Fall season.This is a great way to use up any leftover candy corn you may have .  OK, OK, I never have any left over. I'll just keep buying bags and hiding them.


Candy Corn Butterfingers
Taste of Home forums

1 lb. candy corn
16oz jar peanut butter (I used Peter Pan Honey Roasted peanut butter)
16oz pkg. chocolate candy coating

Melt candy corn in microwave on high 1 minute. Stir and continue cooking in 15-second intervals til melted, stirring after each interval. Stir in peanut butter. Spread mixture in an 8x8 pan lined with parchment. Cool completely. Cut into squares. Dip in melted chocolate candy coating. Lay on waxed paper to set.
These would also be great for Christmas.


  1. Now that just looks dangerous..if those were in my house I would have to hide them in my bedroom drawer to keep my teens from devouring them!! Super yummy looking:)

  2. How cool is that?!? I'm betting they taste wonderful!! :)

  3. Oh, my, don't tell me I could actually make these! I had better not try!! ;0 But they do look good and I love candy! Maybe just once I could make them.
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  4. That would make a nice addition to our Christmas baking this winter. Thanks Michelle.

  5. A little piece of heaven is right. These look delicious.

  6. Hello, I´m glad you like my blogg and I have find the translation buttom now, I have no problem to understand english but I´m not so good at spelling :-)
    Your candy fingers locks delicious..
    Have a nice day!

  7. That's ok I am terrible at spelling. If it wasn't for spell check you would be able to read my post. LOL
