
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fort Knoxs

This is the old fence we used for the chickens. It is a portable fence. We were able to move it around and give the chickens plenty of new area to scratch. We have used it for about two years without  any problems. Unfortunately we had two dogs jump the fence and get our chickens.  They had escaped from their own back yard. The owners felt really bad. They reinforced their back fence , so I thought my problems were over. Then, two weeks ago we found the fence pulled out of the ground and two chickens missing. One did come home two days later.  This was the second time and I was going to make sure it was the last.

Welcome to Fort Knox. We put two 6x6 dog runs together and attached it to the smaller dog run. If anything gets thru this, I give up.


  1. I would love to have some dog kennels for the chickens' yard, they look so much nicer than our cattle panels covered with chicken wire! LOL!! I sure hope this solves your problems!

  2. Well, this is cute! I have lots of yard birds but they live in my kitchen and don't require any tending to! :)
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Hoping that this does the trick and keeps the dog away. Sadly this dog now has a taste for chicken and it will be difficult to stop. I use a dog kennel for my girls and have been pleased so far. We have had one incident involving a roaming dog and the rabbits.

    You made my day with your comment, I laughed when I read it!!! Daddy would be happy that you liked his joke!!!! Thank you so very much!!!!!!

  4. Hope this solution works..amazing how creative we become when protecting our girls:)

  5. The new chicken yard looks awesome Michelle.

  6. It does look great Michelle. I love it! The swings are cute too, do you swing and watch your babies? We have so much wildlife we had to cover top with netting and strong shade tarps, small chicken wired wrapped around the bottom 3 ft and bent to go out another foot on ground then put 4 x 4 all around plus added dog all of this like your inside chain link fence ...whew...
