
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We should of rethought our timing.

 My husband decided to put a cover over our deck.  The sun beats down so bad in the morning that it makes it impossible to enjoy the deck.  He started it Monday hoping to have it done by the 4th of July. His time table was a little bit off.
  We finally were able to start putting the sunshade up around 6pm on the 4th. The water sealer took about three times longer then  he thought it would.
 I pitched in to help. But I left the power tools up to him. We were trying to get it done before 7pm .We were to meet our friends at the airport for a barbecue and  fireworks. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Rick was tired of missing with it and just wanted to get it done. We finally got it finished around 9pm. Next time we will plan it just a little bit better.
  Rick made shelves so we would  have a place to set our drinks while grilling.
  We split it into two sections. This is my reading spot. A nice fire and a good book, works for me.
                                 I loved the way our dinning area turned out. It feels very inviting.
              The last thing to get done was putting up the lights. It really added a lot to the place.
We were finally able to have our July 4th dinner, the 5th of July. I have to be honest I was a little upset about not being able to celebrate the 4th with our friends. But after seeing how the project turned out, it was so worth it. I love how it turned out! We will just have to have a barbecue and invite everyone over. Like that will break my heart.


  1. It looks great!!! You both did a fabulous job!!!

  2. Looks really nice! I wish I could talk my hubby into building something like that!

  3. That looks wonderful! We finally got our screen porch fixed up -- but haven't been able to take meals out there lately since it's been so hot. Now the temps have finally been back down in the 80's and low 90's, but the humidity is so high it still feels like triple digits!

  4. I love the white lights around the top. I bet that looks real nice when it's dark. Got some great ideas for my hubby! Thanks!


  5. Michele, I like what you two did for shade it looks pretty great! I also stopped by to tell you that I have nominated you for The Sunshine Award for being such an inspiration in the blogoshere!
    Stop by Dolly Is Cooking to grab it and have a great day!!!

  6. Oh, Michelle, that turned out sooo nice! I must admit, my hubby would have done the same thing. ;-)
    An excuse to invite friends for a BBQ? Great idea!!
