
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hello my pretties

  Our new garden spot is doing great.  I am so happy with it. Last year we did just raised beds. This year were doing both. The pumpkins are really going strong. I have a lot of blossoms.
  My pole beans are doing great. I have a small walk way between them. To make picking them easier.
   I am really happy with my corn. A lot of people have told me corn doesn't grow well here. But mine seems to be doing good.
 This is from one onion that had spouted in the garage.I thought why not plant it.
  My soil has a lot of clay in it. So even if the soil is wet below. The top still looks dry. My watermelon is doing ok. But not great. Does anyone know a way to help it along. I also planted some green onions ,but my pumpkin leaves are covering them up. I am so looking forward to picking the fruits of my labor. Labor isn't the right word. This is a lot of fun. At least til canning time. HA HA 


  1. I wish I had some advice for you. My yard is rather small so I have mostly flowers. I wish I were lucky enough to have a small assortment like you have. I hope everything takes off nicely for you.

  2. This is my first year for watermelon so I'm not sure. The garden looks good though!

  3. No help for the watermelon here either. All your other plants are looking GREAT!! :)
