
Monday, June 11, 2012

Three nice surprises

 My husband took me to Bishop for my birthday. We spend three days fishing, camping, and sight seeing.  I then came home to three great surprises. First I walk in to find these lovely chickens my girls got me for my birthday.
I almost tripped over a box in my dinning room.  It turned out to be a bird I have been trying to find for two years.My Aunt gave me the set, right before she died. I was really upset when I broke one. My husband finally found one and surprised me with it. He told me I had a gift on the way. before we left.  He earned a lot of point with this one.
The third surprise came in the mail. I received my apron from Dolly designs. Sorry this picture is so bad. My camera started acting up. Looks like I will be buying a new one tomorrow. I will show a better picture later on with the new camera.   I also ordered a chicken apron from her. I am looking forward to getting that one. All her aprons are so cute.


  1. lucky you!! such thoughtful gifts...happy birthday!

  2. Those were nice surprises!! Happy belated birthday!! :)
    The trip to Bishop sounds wonderful too!

  3. I love the chickens too! I seem to collect them.

  4. Lucky girl. What a thoughtful family you have. I don't know that my hubby would have been that thoughtful. Love the chickens the girls got you. My DIL has her kitchen done in chickens.

  5. I love the chickens and that apron Michelle. Tiff looks darling in it...
