
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Visiting my babies

Went to see my babies at their second mothers house. Heidi is letting my babies grow up with her chicks. I didn't have the room for them. I also have animals that would love them as a afternoon snack. They will return home after they are big enough to add to my coop with my girls. But for now they are very happy being spoiled by Heidi. If you ever need a chicken sitter , she's your girl.
 This is my Blondie. She is so sweet. She likes to be held.
This is my daughter's Brownie. She hates having her picture taken as you can see.
 This is Queenie ( Heidi's favorite.) He is very friendly. I really enjoyed petting him while he set on my lap. I thought of taking him home. But Heidi would of got her gun out and hunted me down.
I can't believe you would think that I would mess with the chicks! I am so hurt.


  1. They are so cute! They are really getting big!

  2. Cute little chicks! I love the idea of having chickens but I am sure it's a lot of work!

  3. They are ctue ! I was raised on a hobby farm and had chickens that would roam the property . The worst preditars were cats, Owls and Racoons, at night we cooped them for their safety ! Lovely photos ! Have a good day !

  4. I absolutely love chickens..yours are so precious!

  5. Auntie Heidi is doing a great job with your little babies! The picture of your dog cracked me up!! :)

  6. That's Heidi's dog Sugar Plum. She is a character.

  7. Awe... so cute Michelle... Heidi has a gun? Who knew?

  8. I would never harm you Michelle, but Queenie would cry his heart out and keep you awake until he was reunited with his girls...
