
Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring, But will it last?

The weather man say it is going to be nice thru the weekend. Today showed he was right. I just pray it stays that way. I so tired of having to cover and uncover my plants.  I know I am impatient . I just can't wait to see my garden in full bloom.

 These are the seed I started this week. The two full ones are corn. The two by them self on the left are zucchini. The one in the middle is watermelon . The one on the right is okra. I put 5 seed in each. Other then the Okra that should be plenty. 
 This is my apple tree. We planted it last year. I am so glad to see leaves on it.Maybe by next year we will have apples.
 This is one of the plum trees we trapped to save them from our last storm. When we bought it, the guy told us it was a peach. Boy was he wrong.
  This is the little peach tree. We made sure that this one was a true peach tree before we bought it.
  These are my garlic in my garden. I plan to plant my tomatoes in between them. My friend Heidi was kind enough to start the tomatoes in her green house. I will have 4 different types. She was also the one to teach me that garlic is great for the tomato plant.
 These are my cabbages. I just finished  planting my peas around them today. I am going to run a trellis down the middle of the bed to hold them. I have a few pea growing from last year.
  My lettuce. What the deer were kind enough to leave me.
This is my strawberry box. This will be my first year trying to grow them wish me luck.
  My carrots. Some I started from seed and some I transplanted . Heidi is giving me some purple carrots. I can't wait. I saved them a spot.
 My artichoke plant looks like it got a little burned from the cold. I was only one tenth this size last year. So I can't complain
 These are my red onions. I still am using  some I planted last year. I can't believe how well they kept.
 This is part of our side yard. My wonderful husband tilled and fertilized  for me,so that I can grow my corn, green beans, and pumpkins there.
Now for the trash can potatoes as you can see they came up. The only thing I worry about, is if they are getting enough sun.
 I have to give credit where credit is due. If It wasn't for Heidi (My Simple Country Living) My garden probably wouldn't look this good with the cold weather we have been having.  She is definitely the go to person when you have a question about plants.


  1. All looks great hope the weather man is right for ya ! Our weather man doesnt seem to know his head from his butt so I rely on good old farmer intuition my dad taught me from when I was raised on our farm . Here the weather has been so out of wack I have left it up to mother nature whether my plants do well or not . If not I can always get more lol ! Have a wonderful Easter weekend !

  2. You're off to a great start! I've never seen an artichoke plant growing, sort of interesting! Our weather has been up to 90 but we may get frost next week so I'm on hold except for cold weather plants. Good luck with the garden!

  3. Your garden looks great! I hope the weather stays nice for you! :)
