
Monday, March 19, 2012

What a weekend! Surprises, Fears and Beauty.

As you know from my earlier post. After work Friday  we had to go to Home Depot to get plastic to cover everything before the storm hit.
                                                 You can see the storm rolling in.

Saturday we woke up to rain instead of snow. So Rick decided to go to Bakersfield. I thought he had lost his mind. It's an hour a way. If it started snowing we could be stuck in the valley.  But he wanted to go,so off we went. I soon found out why it was so important to him. He had to go to Barnes and Nobles. I thought it was to get his books for his collage courses. Boy was I wrong. He was there to pick up  the Nook Tablet he had ordered for me. I have only been drooling over it for months. He also bought me the DVD Lord of the Dance. Since it was Saint Patty's day, you know I had to watch this while eating Corn Beef and Cabbage.
Add Jammie's and a fire  HEAVEN!
                        Woke Sunday to snow and more snow. Hope my plant and trees make it thru.
You have to admit it was beautiful. Since our Church is out in the country, we decided to stay home. The last thing we needed was to get stuck. It snowed all day long ,which made for one very cozy day. We just relaxed and spent family time together.  A real treat for us since we all work different days and shifts.
                                              The dogs had a blast playing in the snow.
It snowed so heavy you could barely see the mountains. That didn't stop us from taking a walk in the snow.
Try to get a picture of the snow falling that night. Didn't do to good of a job. Over all it was a great weekend. One I wouldn't mind repeating.


  1. Michelle, Great story, I feel as if I were there with you. Fun times and so glad you did get to enjoy it and your time together...beautiful pictures.

  2. Hi Michelle,

    I wanted to stop by and tell ya that I recently started following you. How funny that you posted the Bakersfield sign. Bakersfield is where I was born and raised, and where my and my husband's families still reside. Enjoy the snow. We miss it a lot. We lived in Nebraska for about 6 years and lived with it every year.

    Have a good week.


  3. Wow! I keep joking to the kids that "winter is not over" and they just laugh at me. However, we had a blizzard in March before, so it's not out of the realm of possibilities.

  4. I'm still kind of in shock that you guys are getting snow, and the weather here is in the 80s. EIGHTIES!!! It is really pretty, though. :)

  5. I hope your plants and trees survive the snow. I have to say I miss snow days. There is just something so peaceful about a day with snowfalling.

  6. Beautiful snow pictures and what a great hubby for surprising you with your Nook! :)

  7. snow?! we haven't had that here in Central Pa all yr!!!

  8. Hi Michelle! Great photos and loved hearing about your cozy family day. Those snow days can be a real blessing, causing us to slow down and enjoy each other and just being! Loved it... You must live near Heidi? Here snow images looked very similar! Sweet hubby you have too!

  9. Heidi and I live a couple of blocks apart,
