
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thoughts from my head.

Do we as woman have any idea what we have done? We love our romantic books and movies with the big strong man taking control and saving the day.  But in the real word we are slowly destroying that. Don't get me wrong I love the fact that my husband listens to me and will tell me if something is wrong. Those are great changes. But we have gone too far. To start my rampage, lets talk about men's clothing. I walk in to K-Mart today to get a shirt. I saw a beautiful white shirt with roses and sequins on it. I loved it. Only problem was it was a man's shirt.  No problem there were several more nice women's shirts. Wrong! I was in the men's department!  Men now have their own line of jewelry . I am talking earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. The bling as they call it.
 Our young men are dyeing their hair and having it styled. When a man takes longer than a women to get ready, something is wrong. And what's wrong with chest hair. I am sorry I just can't see anything good coming out of a man having his chest waxed. Wait that's a lie. Now they know what we go through. I can take some enjoyment out of that. Granted I don't do my nails all the time. But no man's finger nails should look better than mine. I don't want to see a man sitting next to me in the Salon getting his nails and toes done.

 What set me off to write this you ask! Try a news program. They were talking about a new fashion style for men coming out of Italy. MANTYHOSE.  They are basically tights for men. They come in many styles and colors. Can you believe  men are buying them? Apparently sales are better then they hoped.  What are we doing. Between style and a man showing his feelings. We are destroying what makes them a man.
I don't want a man to be like a woman.  Yes I want the Neanderthal . I want dirt under his nails from hard work.  I want him to wear things that that can't pass as ladies clothing.  I want him to be the one to hold me when I cry at a sad movie. Not me passing him the handkerchief. When a crisis hits I want him to be the strong one. And the first time I hear ,do these pants make me look fat. He is SO.... going to see a therapist!


  1. This is hilarious. I laugh harder, every time I re-read it. You have such a way with words dear. You need to write a novel. See you tomorrow.

  2. I love it, Michelle. And I'm right with you! I'll keep my hard-working tough dude! :)

  3. Michelle I have laughed, and laughed you are funny crazy! I love this post. I am really out of it Mantyhose....goodness. I am with you girl. Mine is a bull in a china shop and at times that is what I love and hate about him....let me rephrase that; I now only love that about this so much.

  4. Agreed. I don't get all the feminization of men. I'd rather mine be a little dirty because he's working, wearing boots and jeans that might have holes. The ONLY reason I can see for any type of leggings other than socks would be if they are going out in arctic conditions hunting.

  5. I am with you on all counts. I, too, want a neanderthal man. I have never heard of Mantyhose. I do know my husband or sons wouldn't be caught dead in them. And yes I like my men hairy, dirty nailed and smelling like hard work.

  6. I totally agree with you, a man should dress and act like a man, and a woman should dress and act like a woman!

  7. Have been laughing, but completely agree with you! Makes me appreciate my honey even more!

  8. That is so true and so funny. And why in the world would men WANT to wear hose/tights ~ I avoid them like the plague! I just make sure my skirts are long enough in the winter to cover the knee high hose! Men need to be men, look like men, dress like men, and act like real men ~ not girly men.

  9. That is hilarious. My son knows pink is for GIRLS!! However, he does cry during movies. (Don't tell anyone.) I think it's sweet, poor kid. Probably will never watch anything but comedies after he grows up!

    But what else do women use that will soon be trendy for men... Lipstick? Floral-scented perfume? High heels! Maybe we can capitalize on that, hmmm...

  10. Mantyhose? Seriously? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. :)

  11. Makes me appreciate my cowboy even more! ;-)

  12. I recently saw that in California a hot new trend is mens high heels. I mean like the kind women wear to church, dressy woman shoes in men sizes with 4 inch heals. I would never want a man to remind me of a woman or to look and wonder... is that a man or a woman..hmmm.. not sure.

  13. Heidi just reminded me about the man purse. How could I have forgotten that.

  14. Oh no, my husband has a "man purse" but it's his CERT backpack (Civilian Emergency Response Team). Does that count? It's full of ham radio stuff, bandages, utility tools and CPR stuff!

  15. That's a emergency pack. Unless it's decorated with ribbons and lace. Then you might want to have a talk with him.
